651  651 HoffText
Howl's Moving Castle
Diana Wynne Jones (1986)

█ Girls' power fantasy within patriarchy
█ (cf. Wynn, 2024). Study in pessimism,
█ catastrophising, self-deprecation, and
█ age vs. presentation. Multiverse tie-
█ in unexpected and inconsistent. Refe-
█ rences Rome, France, and christenings,
█ but Wales is an unknown concept. Uses
█ special effects over action. Overly
█ fast scene changes. Streamlined by the
█ movie. Foundational for "Ni no Kuni"?

█ Back to bookshelf ................ 650
█ Previous (T. S. o. A., 2011) ..... 644
█ Next (Castle i. t. Air, 1990) .... 652

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