623  623 HoffText
Dan Simmons (1989)

█ Extrapolates faiths better than Dune,
█ perhaps due to shorter time scale.
█ Anything "Zen" must have been trendy
█ in the 80s. Too much sex, multiple pa-
█ ges on the nipples of a 15-year-old.
█ Did not expect a vagina dentata to be
█ mentioned. I liked Sol's story best.
█ Cute that Simmons kept Gibson's cyber-
█ space canon. Martin Silenus looks like
█ JoJo's Polpo in my mind, not thin.

█ Back to bookshelf ................ 600
█ Previous (B. B. o. S., 2007) ..... 622
█ Next (Unterleuten, 2016) ......... 624

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